For students who choose to enroll in our Distance Learning Option, we will be utilizing Schools PLP for the asynchronous content. Schools PLP provides a plethora of curriculum resources and we have chosen two that will meet our needs. We will be utilizing Lincoln Learning for Grades K-8 in all subjects (ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies). We will also employ the use of Bright Thinker as a supplemental curriculum to challenge or remediate learning based on the needs of each child.

Students enrolled in the Distance Learning Option will be placed in a class with a Highly Qualified teacher who will meet with them each week, scaffolding the level of assistance given based on the need of the student. In Kindergarten through Fifth grade, synchronous meetings will include weekly meetings with the teacher as well as small group meetings with the teacher or instructional aide, giving each child targeted support. The number of synchronous meetings per week will vary, based on the need and grade level of the student. In addition to the weekly synchronous meetings the teacher will hold virtual office hours multiple days each week where students can pop into the online classroom for additional assistance and support.

In Sixth grade, there will be one synchronous meeting per week. Students will be given content to review prior to the meeting in order to provide an atmosphere of collaboration and engagement in the live class. In addition to the weekly synchronous meeting the teacher will hold virtual office hours multiple days each week where students can pop into the online classroom for additional assistance and support.

In all grades the teacher will assign content in all subject areas through Schools PLP, communicate grades to parents on a weekly basis, and direct parents as they take on the role of the Learning Coach. The role of the Learning Coach is a critical component of the Distance Learning Option. Parents must agree to coach the students through logging in, accessing the curriculum, answering questions, and holding students accountable to attend live lessons and complete assignments within the platform. The Learning Coach will also fill out a weekly attendance form for the student, filling in the number of hours that the student spent each day on educational activities. This form, in combination with attendance of synchronous lessons, and completion of activities within the Schools PLP platform will be utilized to keep track of student attendance. In order for students to be successful in the Distance Learning Option, the teacher and the learning coach must work together to hold the student accountable and offer the necessary support.