“Once we find out where we are the strongest,
we can use our strengths to help ourselves and others.”


Edwards: I want to recognize Christian C. for the strength of CONFIDENCE: Christian is a perfect example of quiet confidence. He knows what he is good at, but he never brags or behaves arrogantly. He just continues to do his best and quietly accepts whatever praise comes his way without asking for it. Christian sets a great example of confidence for our class.


Staggie: Zander H. for the strength of ACHIEVING: Zander loves to set goals so he has something to aim for. He finds excitement in meeting those goals and setting more goals. If he doesn’t meet his goal initially, he continues to improve and try again until he meets it.  Zander always shows the strengths of achieving. 


S Bishop: Chelsea N. for the strength of DEPENDABILITY: – Chelsea always shows the strength of Dependability!  I can count on Chelsea to listen and follow directions in class, but she is also dependable as a good friend and classmate.  She is kind and friendly to all those around her.  Her sweet smile makes everyone around her happy! 😊  She is a great example of dependability!


Mack: William H. for the strength of CONFIDENCE: Rather than trying to be like someone else, William feels confident in being just himself.  He is always willing to try new things because he believes in his ability to succeed. He cheerfully takes on new challenges no matter how difficult the challenge may be.  William truly exhibits the strength of confidence!