Isn’t this cooler weather nice. The students are able to enjoy their recess time outside to run around and play. The playground has been up and in use for the past few weeks. Monday should bring the beginning of the playground shade installation. Yes, there will be a full shade over the playground to help make it more enjoyable. Students will be unable to use the playground for a few days due to the installation of the shade, but it should go quickly and playground use will resume as usual.

The sprinklers are going in the ground for the large field. Once the sprinklers are fully installed, the seed will be planted. We are hoping for some nice grass for the winter that the students will be able to run and play on.

The deadline for box tops is coming up. Make sure that you send your box tops in with your students. There are collection boxes in each classroom as well as one in the front office. The Parent Team has some great ideas in the works of how to use the Box Top money that has been earned.  Look for upcoming notices for the next Parent Team meeting and come find out what they have planned for the near future.

Now get outside and enjoy the nice weather!