Open Enrollment for the 2015-2016 School Year is January 20-21, 2015. You can pick up an enrollment packet in our front office. Packets are not considered “turned in” until they are filled out completely and returned with the needed documents:  Birth Certificate, Immunization Records signed by a physician or an official health agency, Proof of Residency, PHLOTE form, Current Court Orders with official signatures (dates and seals for Custody, Guardianship, or other Legal Documents if needed), Special Education Records (including IEP/Speech/Psychological Evaluations), Signatures on all forms that require them.

No student is guaranteed a spot in a class during “Open Enrollment.” Each one will be contacted by the end of January of the status of their enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year.

Enrollment Notes:

• Normally, our charter allows us to test and admit children who turn 5 by December 31 into kindergarten if they meet readiness requirements and there is space in the classroom.

• You will be contacted for a testing date and time.