Do you follow Common Core standards?

We follow all state and federal standards and requirements.  All classes at each grade level use the same core curriculum which exceeds the minimum requirements of the state.  Happy Valley East follows the adopted Arizona High Academic Standards.

Do you have a band or choir?

Our music curriculum includes group singing at all levels and music reading and recorder instruction in 4th grade. Additionally, 5th and 6th grade students have the opportunity to learn to play the Ukulele.

Do you have enrichment classes?

Our regular curriculum includes Music, Physical Education, and Computer Technology.

Do you teach another language?

We do not teach another language at this time.

Is Happy Valley expanding to 8th grade?

At this time Happy Valley School is a K-6th grade level school, although it is possible that other grades may be added in the future.

Is Happy Valley School a private school?

Happy Valley is a publicly funded, privately operated charter school.

What is the class size?

Class sizes range from 20-30 students depending on the grade and class.  The average class size is approximately 24 students.

What math curriculum do you follow?

Our core math curriculum, for grades K – 6th, is Math in Focus.  Math instruction is enriched from a wide variety of sources to include hands on experience making learning fun.

What type of parent involvement is required?

Happy Valley does not require parents to work at the school.  We do have a wonderful Parent Team who welcomes any and all volunteers who want to be more involved.