This Week’s Strengths 1/12/18

“Once we find out where we are the strongest, we can use our strengths to help ourselves and others.” “When Kayleigh tells me she is going to do something it is always done. She loves to help out in the classroom. When Kayleigh is done with her work...


Spirit Week Dec. 18-21st (No Jeans on any day) Monday 18th – Ugly Sweater or Holiday Sweater Day – uniform bottoms Tuesday 19th – Whoville Hair Day (Crazy Hair Day) – entire uniform Wednesday 20th – Dress in your Favorite Christmas Colors...

This Week’s STRENGTHS 12/15/17

“Once we find out where we are the strongest, we can use our strengths to help ourselves and others.” “Andrew loves to learn and is always asking questions.  He works hard to figure out problems on his own.  He enjoys science and hands on...