Enrollment Requirements

Please be sure you submit the following documents in order to complete registration:

• Completed Registration Packet

• Birth Certificate

• Immunization Records signed by a physician or an official health agency

• Proof of Residency

• PHLOTE form

• Current Court Orders with official signatures, dates and seals for Custody, Guardianship, or other Legal Documents

• Special Education Records (including IEP/Speech/Psychological Evaluations)

• Completed Medical Alert/Emergency Card

• Signatures on all forms that require them (including student signatures on certain forms)

• Last 2 years of report cards and achievement test results if transferring from another school (to aid in class placement by proficiency level)

• Official, signed withdrawal forms from your child’s previous school

• SAIS ID Number for transfer students, if assigned

Enrollment Notes:

• Normally, our charter allows us to test and admit children who turn 5 by December 31 into kindergarten if they meet readiness requirements and there is space in the classroom.