We have made it through the first 2 weeks of school. The students are settling in to their classrooms and routines nicely. There are still a few things waiting to be finished in the construction of the school. The multi-purpose building is set to be finished by the end of the month. We should see gates and fencing next week. The playground equipment has been shipped and will arrive next week. Assembly of the playground will begin shortly after that. The students have been enjoying recess and PE, both in their classrooms and supervised outside. The large construction equipment will be removed from the field once the ground dries up enough to drive them out without tearing up the ground too much.

We will be having a tree planting day soon. We will be inviting families to come out and help plant trees on an upcoming Saturday morning. Keep an eye out for more information to come.

Friday “Patriot” T-shirts are available for purchase in the front office. These shirts are $10 each and may be worn on Friday’s only. Uniform bottoms must still be worn everyday, including Friday’s. If your child is not wearing a “Patriot” shirt please have them wear their uniform shirt. No other clothing options are allowed.

If you ordered shirts, (uniform or Friday T-shirts) and have not paid for them, you may pay for and pick them up in the front office. Additional shirts are available in the front office if you didn’t order them and would like to purchase them

Thank you all for your patience and understanding. We are looking forward to a great school year and many new adventures.