“Once we find out where we are the strongest,
we can use our strengths to help ourselves and others.”
Graham: Xadrian T. for the strength of competing – Xadrian competes on the field while playing football but also in the classroom while he is looking to challenge everyone in his small group to be their personal best and try their hardest. Xadrian is a joy to teach.
N Haller: Stellan H. for the strength of dependability – Stellan has great dependability. He shows this strength in doing his work on time, completing his homework, and doing well on his assignments. If I need help in the classroom, I know I can depend on Stellan helping me and doing it right. Great job Stellan!
Tiger: Jayden B. for the strength of Presence – Jayden is extremely outgoing and will play with everyone. Jayden is fearless and will stand up for his friends. Jayden also like to take charge and will let you know how things are ran in our classroom. That’s why Jayden was picked for presence.
Edwards: Ashton G. for the strengths of Presence and Confidence – Ashton stepped up and took the lead role in our skit. He memorized his part quickly and helped everyone learn their parts as well. He is a natural leader and his strengths really helped the entire class do well on our presentation.
Solis: Dominik H. for the strength of relating – Dominik has a strong strength of relating. He makes friendships quickly and invites others to join him to play. He likes everyone and wants everyone to be his friend. He loves having time to talk to his friends in class and on the playground. He is also great at making friendships last.