Printable version, click here: 2016 August Newsletter

Patriot Press
August 2016
Happy Valley East PTO Newsletter
[email protected]
Facebook pages: Happy Valley School East Campus Page &  Happy Valley East Families Group

16 Pizza with the Principal Peter Piper Pizza, Ellsworth 5–8:30
19 AZ & US Flag Assembly
24 Early Release Day
26 Begin with the End in Mind Assembly
29/31 Hearing/Vision Testing, volunteers needed contact Nurse

2 Hearing/Vision Testing, volunteers needed contact Nurse
2 Labor Day Assembly/5th grade History Fair-PARENTS WELCOME 7:30-8:30
5 Labor Day NO SCHOOL
9 Patriots Day Assembly
12 Grandparents Day
14 Early Release Day
16 Citizenship Day Assembly/Boy Scouts Cafeteria 6 pm
23 Layne Gneiting Assembly (Professional Storyteller)
30 Assembly of Thomas Edison by author Jason Mow

17-21 Book Fair
21 Fall Festival, volunteers needed contact Nurse
26 Halloween Party Peter Piper Pizza Ellsworth 5–8:30

We are collecting Soda tabs to be donated to the local Ronald McDonald house, they can be sent in to your child’s classroom. All donations are matched by a local business and funds used to support families in need of the RMH.
Tuft & Needle Mattress Raffle
Buy a Raffle Ticket for your chance to WIN a mattress in the size of our choice. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.
Drawing to be held at Fall Festival October 21st.
Not a winner, not a problem! You can go online and buy your mattress using our link and TN will donate 25% of all purchases to HVE using our link:

This donation will last an entire YEAR! Please share this link with all your family and friends. We will use the funds towards School Signage and/or a Paper Butcher Block requested by the HVE teachers for the past 2 years.

2016 Tax Credit
Forms are in the office and on the school website.
You can donate up to $200 as an individual or $400 as a filing married couple per year and get all of it back as an AZ State Tax Credit. You also enter this into your Federal tax return as a deduction.
The school uses this money to help pay for field trip buses to keep parent costs at a minimum. The front office has the Forms up front and on their website. If you have any questions please contact Tracie Bjoin at [email protected].

Upcoming Events
Be on the lookout for information on our upcoming Fall and Winter outreach projects. If you are unable to volunteer your time, we will still be collecting items, wrapping supplies, boxes, etc. to be used to bless those in our school community.

November Thanksgiving Food Drive
Angel Tree

Anyone interested in chairing one of these projects or if you have other suggestions for outreach projects this year, please contact the PTO directly. We are interesting in our children learning the value of servant leadership in our home and community, and it starts with us!

Thank you to all parents and teachers who came to the PTO meeting, we appreciate your feedback and willingness to be involved! Each time a parent attends a PTO meeting or volunteers in this school year, they will earn a raffle ticket. At the EOY, we will raffle two tablets and GCs for the parent who wins.

Fun Fundraisers – NO Volunteers Needed

We have several ways that we can raise money for the school that require very little effort. Funds raised are put right back into our school and community.

Fry’s Food – VIP members, please update/add your VIP card with Happy Valley East School, this must be done annually. School gets 10% back each quarter and you get to keep your FUEL POINTS!

  1. Got to:
  2. Select: Enroll Now
  3. Type: Happy Valley East
  4. Select: Happy Valley East School 90306
  5. Address is being updated, but this is our school!!

Shoparoo – Download Shoparoo from the app store. Register and pick Happy Valley School East Campus as your school of choice. Every time you buy something, snap a photo of your receipt. Receipts equal points, points equal dollars to HVE in form of a check!

Red Robin – Add Happy Valley East Campus to your Royalty account, go to
You can enroll for an account also if you do not have one. Free burger during your birthday month.

Box Top – Send Box Tops to school with your child. Holding Classroom Contests throughout the school year.
Classroom with the most will get a party provided by the PTO!

Sunny D Labels – 20 Sunny D Labels equals 20 books for each classroom. This is so easy and a huge help to our teachers who provide classroom libraries to our students.

Suggestions or additions to Newsletter, please contact Stacey Cormier at 602-793-8591