Open Enrollment Procedures

Enrollment in our school is a two-step process. You must first complete the Open Enrollment Interest Form. If there is room in the class, you will be notified that your child has been accepted for enrollment.  You will then be asked to complete a Registration Packet. We ask that you return this packet within 10 days so we can fully register your child for classes. 


  1. Enrollment

Fill out the Electronic Open Enrollment Interest Form below and submit it online, by fax, email or in person. Please specify the school year and grade that your child is applying for.

Open enrollment is on a first come first serve basis and is contingent on available classroom space. Families of returning students have priority for class placement.

A lottery system will be used if enrollment exceeds classroom capacity. 

Enrollment is not based on ethnicity, national origin, gender, income level, disabling condition, or proficiency in the English language

  1. Registration

Once your Open Enrollment Interest Form is received and your enrollment placement has been accepted, you will be contacted by the school to complete a Registration Packet. Please submit your Registration Packet to the school within 10 days. You will have 30 days to submit evidence of age and identity. 

If we do not receive the Registration Packet including evidence of age, residency, and vaccination status, we will not be able to finalize registration of your child for the coming school year. Please reach out to us if you need additional time to submit any information. If needed an Affidavit of Shared Residency can be found here. 

If you are transferring from another school, you must provide us with a withdrawal form even if you attended that school the full school year. The withdrawal form must be received by the first day of school attendance. Your child will not be able to start attending our school without the withdrawal form.


Full-day kindergarten and bus transportation are both provided without charge. The Federal Free and Reduced-Price Lunch Program is available for those who qualify.